Detail request applications should be filed through our website. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you in a timely manner.
The current Fire Department Detail Rate is $65/hour + 10% Administration Fee will be added to the total.
There is a four (4) hour minimum for any detail. After a period of four (4) hours, there shall be a minimum of eight (8) hours for the extra detail. (Welding details require that the detail must remain on site for 1 hour after the last welding/cutting event
To arrange a detail, 24 hour’s notice shall be given. To cancel, notification must be made a minimum of twelve (12) hours prior to the start of the detail. Failure to give twelve (12) hours notice will result in the contractor being charged for the four (4) hours of detail pay. Notification should be made to the Duty Officer at (978) 526-4040.
The contractor must fill out a Detail slip, which will be presented by the detail personnel. Please make sure this slip is filled out completely.
Detail Request Form
"*" indicates required fields